Album Of The Day: Sonicflood by Sonicflood

Album Art of Sonicflood's self-titled album - A photo of a man swimming in the ocean, where no shore or other things can be seen except the sky. The man is facing away from the camera and their head is below the water. The photo is black, white and various shades of neon pink. Above the vast ocean is printed the band's name, once in white and a few more times in smaller gray print, first forwards then backwards, mirrored.

Released on this day 26 years ago, this was the first and by far most successful album from this pop/rock group. Modern worship was not really that prevalent in the U.S. when this came out, and most worship sold was made by Vineyard and Maranatha label recording live at churches. Sonicflood took some of the most popular worship songs, added a few original songs, and made a very tight, highly-produced studio recording with a radio-friendly sound. Christian music fans and Christian radio loved it, though some thought it was cashing in on a religious trend. 26 years later, this album has some nostalgia for me, but mostly feels more dated than other worship albums from this era. Also, the prayer and preaching interludes were annoying back then and now are even more cringe-worthy. Note that the version on streaming is some sort of "deluxe" version; only the first 12 tracks are the original album.

Release Year: 1999
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