Album Of The Day: Extreme Days Soundtrack by Various Artists

Album Art of Various Artists's Extreme Days Soundtrack album - At the top, a series of five photos across the top, the first two snowboarders, then a motocross biker, then a skateboarder, then a BMX biker, all with a rough fade effect between them. Below that a black background with 'Extremedays' all run together in bright yellow-gold. Below that, a list of all the artists on the album in small print. The bottom half is the 5 stars of the film, 3 white men and an Asian man, with a white woman in the middle, all young with street wear pictured from the waist up.

Director Eric Hannah was known for making sports reels of skateboarding, snowboarding, and similar sports set to punk/metal music over them in the '90s. In the early 2000s, Extreme Days was his first feature film. It's a teen road trip comedy made by Christians that has none of the R-rated sex and drugs, but still is very cheesy and silly, plus it definitely has some solid sports sequences that clearly are stunt doubles, if I remember it correctly. ForeFront Records worked with their EMI label family at the time to put together a fun mix of pop/rock/metal/rap that is a time capsule of Christian music from that period. A few standout moments form Klaus Badelt's score are also included on this soundtrack album which was released on this day 24 years ago. Like most compilation releases from this era, this album does not exist on streaming and you'd need to find a CD copy to enjoy it.

Release Year: 2001

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