Album Of The Day: The Moon Is Down by Further Seems Forever

Album Art of Further Seems Forever's The Moon Is Down album - On the top and bottom, each has a photo of an airplane centered on one of the wings, both black and white photos and the whole photo is colored pink instead of white. The top quarter is a photo of the left wing of a small plane with only one engine on that wing and wheels coming from the wing as well, plus the cement tiles of the ground below. The bottom half has a photo of the right wing and right side of the plane picture from the nose. Two engines can be seen on the plane and another plane and the airport terminal can be seen behind it. Between the photos is a large white strip that has the band name in hot pink and the album title in black, slightly smaller letters below.

It was the early 2000s, and emo was becoming mainstream. Tooth & Nail Records signed this band, Further Seems Forever, that brought emo with heavy, guitar-based rock. On this album, The Moon Is Down, the vocalist was Chris Carrabba, who quickly left the band because of the success of his side band, Dashboard Confessional. Dashboard Confessional went on to become way bigger than Further Seems Forever, but I still like this album more than his Dashboard work. Carrabba's vocals sometimes hides in the midst of the driving guitars, drums and bass, but then sometimes soars above and even gets to screaming. Further Seems Forever continued with other vocalists for a few more albums, but I never liked their style as much without Chris Carrabba's vocals. I guess that the band reunited with the original lineup a while back and I should check out to see if their newer music was any good.

Release Year: 2001
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