Album Of The Day: Intimate Portrait by Caedmon's Call

Album Art of Caedmon's Call's Intimate Portrait EP - On a light blue background, a photo of the right half of a woman's face is shown with a red heart cutout next to it. Over the photo, a dotted arrow points to the text '(ip)' to the right. At the top, the band's name is printed in uppercase in a dark red, serif font. Below that in blue-green is the album title in lowercase.. At the bottom, it says '5 song enhanced CD'.

This is one in my collection that is not available on streaming, and you'll need to find a used CD copy to give this one a listen. This EP had a few B-sides and alternate recordings of songs from their 1997 self-titled album, plus the Enhanced CD provided low-quality digital videos of the band as well. (Everything from that era that could be played on a computer is terribly low-quality today.) It's a rare early item from the Christian folk-rock band, and it shows their great musicianship and songwriting even only a few years into their career. The band would go on to record many other releases, and even recently re-recorded their self-titled album and played a few reunion shows after a long hiatus.

Release Year: 1997

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