Album Of The Day: Rubber Factory by The Black Keys

Album Art of The Black Keys's Rubber Factory album - On a red background with a hint of pink in the hue, a bunch of photos are cut together on top of each other. Black and white photos of cityscapes, industrial storage tanks, loading docks, and a few different shots of factories are layered on top of each other, and in the front is a pile of tires for cars and an old sedan behind it. In the middle is a tall set of smokestacks, and out of the right one is drawn a white cloud with a black border, and inside it is written the band name and album title in the same red in a hand-drawn font. To the right of the smokestack and nearly as tall is a cut-out, color photo of the two band members, both white men, one with black hair, glasses and a bucket hat, the other with brown hair.

Usually the blues is a full band thing: guitar and/or keyboards, bass and drums, vocals, etc. But The Black Keys stripped the blues to its core with just electric guitar and drums, and in the end they made their own, new brand of rock. They recorded this album Rubber Factory in a no-longer-used tire factory in their hometown of Akron, Ohio, USA. Most of the songs are new songs this two-piece band wrote, though a few are covers of older blues songs. I love these great guitar sounds that guitarist/vocalist Dan Auerbach gets out of his guitar setup and Patrick Carney's drums are solid too. This was my first exposure to The Black Keys back about 20 years ago, and since then I've been enjoying their brand of modern blues/rock, although most of their recent albums have failed to impress me as much as this and other early albums.

Release Year: 2004
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