Album Of The Day: Memory Bank by Drew & Ellie Holcomb

Album Art of Drew and Ellie Holcomb's Memory Bank album - On a beige background, a set of 9 black-and-white photos of a white man and a white woman. The man is bald, has a black beard and mustache cut fairly short, and in some photos is wearing a baseball cap. The woman has long, light-colored hair and in a few photos has a baseball cap on as well. Above the photos in the bottom right, the album title is printed in a gold color in a font that looks somewhat hand-written.

It's Friday, so let's listen to some music that is released today! Drew Holcomb has been making music with his backing band "The Neighbors" for nearly 20 years, and early versions of Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors had Ellie Holcomb providing vocals. For the last 10 years, though, Ellie Holcomb has also been recording her own solo albums and maybe not touring with Drew all the time. This married couple has been recording music for years, but this is the first full-length album released as just the two of them. Musically, it's mostly Americana/country, but there's definitely some rock, folk and other influences in here. Drew's deep voice works great with Ellie's and it's clear they've got lots of chemistry from these songs. Lyrically, it's a bunch of well-crafted songs about relationships, love, and sharing life together, plus just having fun. It's a good listen and even though I've not been a huge fan of either artist, I'm thinking I'll probably listen to this more.

Release Year: 2025
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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