Album Of The Day: Writing On The Wall by Jill Phillips

Album Art of Jill Phillips's Writing On The Wall album - On a red background on top and bottom, in the center is a black and white photo of a young, white woman on the left, looking off to the left and slightly down. Only showing her neck and face, and the long, dark hair flowing over her shoulders mixes with a dark, swirling background off to her right. The dark background has some shapes to it, but I can't tell what it's supposed to be. above the picture in a faint, script-like font is the album title, and above the photo on the red background is the the artist name in white, thicker letters with a faint script version underneath it.

Jill Phillips is a beautiful songwriter and great singer. This is her third album, and in her career of over 25 years so far, she's released 10 albums and one EP (if I'm counting correctly), most of them released independently. Her style is simple singer-songwriter pop/folk, and her husband Andy Gullahorn writes some songs as well as plays guitars and mandolin. Some of my favorites are "The Way Of The Fire", "Wrecking Ball" and the Pierce Pettis cover "God Believes In You". This album speaks to God's grace and love but also life's uncertainties and hardships, and I turn to her music often when I'm looking for something a bit softer but full of passion.

Release Year: 2003
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