Album Of The Day: Until This Shakes Apart by Five Iron Frenzy

 four vertical scribbles with one across. These were scribbled over and over. The majority is very large print that says the album title, 'Until This Shakes Apart'. This print is revealing a photo consisting of orange and red colors, which seems to be a photo of some sort of large structure burning down with a raging fire. It looks like standing in front of the fire, looking at the burning structure, is a person.

This year, Five Iron Frenzy celebrates 30 years as a band, though there is at least one major hiatus in that time. Still, that's an impressive amount of time for a band to be together. Released 4 years ago this week, this is their latest studio album, Until This Shakes Apart. Five Iron Frenzy has always been a member of the punk/ska scene, and in that great tradition, this music has got lots of guitars and at least a bit of horns, although maybe a bit less than their earlier albums. Also, the lyrics are definitely pointing out hypocrisy and corruption in many of today's institutions: capitalism, American government and patriotism, and even Christianity and the music industry as well. I like to listen to music that challenges me in my thinking, at least sometimes, and Five Iron Frenzy delivers on that promise with a lot of style, a bit of humor, and a unique turn of phrase throughout. I'll be honest, I've never really listened to Five iron Frenzy much even though a number of friends were big fans, but maybe I need to listen to them more.

Release Year: 2021
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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