Album Of The Day: Winter by Jon Foreman

Album Art of Jon Foremans's Winter EP - On what looks like crumpled up notebook paper that has been folder in half vertically and in one spot horizontally is a sketch of a tree trunk and branches with no leaves, just snow and ice on its branches. At the foot of the tree is also some ground covered in snow and ice.

Released on this day 17 years ago, this is the second of Jon Foreman's four EPs titled after the four seasons. It is slower, mostly acoustic guitar-based songs that go well with a cold, winter evening. The first half has a few songs about death ("Learning How To Die" and "Somebody's Baby"), but then the latter half goes to themes of redemption in God and God's love for us. Jon also explores various musical styles, as the last song "In Love" has an east Asian feel. Give it a listen to celebrate it's release.

Release Year: 2008
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