Album Of The Day: The Golden West by Ethan Luck

Album Art of Ethan Luck's The Golden West album - A photo of a western landscape at the bottom and the clouds above. The bottom 15-20% of the photo is the ground and it's a desert landscape with lots of dirt, bushes and a few cacti, with large hills/mountains off along the skyline. Clouds take up much of the photo, though a sky can be seen through the clouds. The whole photo is tinted brown/gray, so there's very little blue in the sky. The artist's name is printed in large type semi-transparently over the sky, then a red-orange line and the album title in slightly smaller, also-transparent print.

When I'm reading a book or working on something where I need to concentrate, I sometimes put on albums I'm really familiar with as background music. But other times, I'll put on an instrumental album as sometimes the lyrics may distract me from what I'm doing. This is a more recent instrumental album I've acquired. Ethan Luck has been playing music in studios and on tour for over 25 years and has played guitars, drums, and many other instruments. On this album of original surf rock compositions with no vocals, Ethan Luck plays nearly every instrument and took the photos for the album artwork. It's a really well-done album that is sometimes rollicking and sometimes more laid back, but always a good listen.

Release Year: 2021
Listen on Apple Music
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