Album Of The Day: The Night We Called It A Day by Deepspace5

Album Art of Deepspace5's The Night We Called It A Day album - The majority of the cover is a photo of the spines of vinyl record cases, probably stuck together on a shelf or in a crate. The sleeves of the records look well-used and are very worn, especially on the corners. Below the records, an area of just a black background with the band name in a bluish-green, blocky font, and the album title in smaller letters in a deep orange/brown.

Released on this day 23 years ago, this is one of my favorite albums in underground hip-hop. Deepspace5 is a collective of rappers and producers, and having so many voices and producers from song to song keeps the sound fresh and varied. The producers provide great beds for the rhymes and the different rappers create brilliant wordplay. Between most tracks on this album, there is a few seconds of freestylin' from one of the rappers, too, which brings a loose, underground vibe throughout. Underground hip-hop may be an acquired taste, as it is more about unique sounds and rhymes instead of highly memorable, poppy songs like you might hear on the radio. But I find albums like this to be fun as I pick up something new that I didn't catch before with every repeat listen.

Release Year: 2002
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