Album Of The Day: Slow Parade by Gileah Taylor

Album Art of Gileah Taylor's Slow Parade album - The top half is a black background with the words 'Gileah Taylor's' in small beige text centered near the top, then 'Slow Parade' in bigger text below it. On the bottom half, a photo of a a white woman with bright green eyes from the shoulders up on a dark background, with the top of her head, the middle of her face (the cheeks and the nose) as well as her neck are in bands of dark shadow.

A number of people who I highly respect on music listed this album in their top albums of 2024, and so I'm catching up on this artist. Gileah Taylor worked with a few producers to create a beautiful, slow indie pop album. To quote Josh Balogh's review, "This is music for the dark night of the soul yearning for the relief of daylight. The album explores themes of loneliness, dark vs. light, and hope amid grief." This was my first listen to this album today, but it was an interesting listen on a cold, dark winter night. I'm not sure it has immediately grabbed me, but it is well-done music. I will definitely give it a few more listens and maybe it will become a favorite of mine.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify
Buy on Bandcamp

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