Album Of The Day: Silence by Blindside

Album Art of Blindside's Silence album - On the bottom third, some sort of a photo of a shack or a few structures built in or near a flooded pond, where most of the visible portion is the reflection in the pond, and maybe a paper or photo or something floating in the pond. At the top, faded in a dark gradient is a picture of four white men, white, with various haircuts and outfits that look like a rock band. In the middle, atop everything else is a honeycomb pattern, some of the six-sided nodes whiter than others. The off-white blob in the center is punctuated by a few fully white nodes that spell the band name, with the 's' rotated ninety degrees. Below that, in white is the album title in a thin san-serif font.

Blindside is a hard rock/metal band from Sweden, though their lyrics are in English. They were given their big break when their friends in P.O.D. brought them on tour and signed them to their label. This album is a masterpiece of great drums and bass, intense guitars, plus singing and screaming, if you ask me. Although they've released a number of albums since then, I think it's probably still one of their best albums, if not their best. "Pitiful" and "Sleepwalking" are still some of their most popular songs on streaming and are definitely my favorites as well. Lyrically, the band seems to be talking about relationships and knowing yourself. With all that energetic metal and screaming, you don't really expect this album to close with a five-minute, acoustic song called "Silence" either, but it's a perfect ending to have a moment reflect on the music you've just heard.

Release Year: 2002
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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