Album Of The Day: Humble King by Vineyard Music

Album Art of Vineyard Music's Humble King album - On a white background, to the left of center, is a white lamb wearing a golden crown and looking at the viewer. Around him is a swirling, circular pattern in grays. On the left side, a blue line is overlaid with a bright, golden star and smaller, blue stars around that. Underneath the lamb is the title 'Humble King' in a ragged typewriter font, then 'Christmas around the world' printed in red and enclosed in brackets. In the top right, a black bar with the 'Vineyard music' logo in white and red.

Most of Vineyard Music's releases are live recordings of modern rock/contemporary worship services at their churches. But for this special Christmas album, Vineyard church music teams around the world went into the studio and recorded new songs and arrangements of existing songs. Titled Humble King: Christmas Around The World, it mixes the normal Vineyard worship feel with a bit more orchestral and choral arrangements than you might expect. Vineyard songwriters and worship leaders Andy Park and Brenton Brown as well as newer Vineyard teams contribute original songs, plus unique arrangements of classic carols and hymns for Christmas are present. Though it is made by music teams around the world and you can hear some musical influences from New Zealand, India and South Africa on many tracks, it definitely is grounded in the English-speaking, very western musical style that is the Vineyard Music standard. This is another Christmas-time favorite that I return to every year as it has great music, a variety of musical styles, and is centered on Jesus Christ's birth as the reason for the Christmas season.

Release Year: 2002
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