Album Of The Day: Happy Christmas Vol. 2 by Various Artists

Album Art of Various Artists's Happy Christmas Vol. 2 album - On a shimmery white background, a light green background is behind a drawing of a white Santa holding a candle in each hand and flying over a small outline of a cityscape barely drawn in pen at the bottom. Above Santa, it has the album title in white print on a red background.

Back before the era of streaming and endless digital singles and EPs, the "special event" and "compilation" albums were king. Tooth & Nail Records and their BEC Recordings label had the "Happy Christmas" series of albums of their artists and other rock bands in the world of Christian music presenting a fun collection of Christmas tunes, both sacred and secular. You've of course got lots of Tooth & Nail punk and indie rock bands delivering high-octane versions of classic carols and standards. There's also covers of songs popularized by Elvis Presley and Brenda Lee, Sixpence None The Richer's version of "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch", and The Lost Dogs do their own hilarious take on Alvin & The Chipmunks's "The Chipmunk Song" which pokes fun at the future of music to close out the album. Some favorites of this release are All Star United's cover of '80s glam rock song "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" and Plankeye's rock cover of a early 1900s hymn "Gesu Bambino (The Infant Child)". Original, new songs from punk band MxPx, electropop band Joy Electric and folk rock band The Normals are present, and I especially enjoy the last one. Unfortunately, since these special event albums had songs from many different labels and rights holders, this album and others will likely never be available on streaming services exactly as it is. So you might have to find a CD or cassette copy of this album to enjoy it as I have for the last 25 Christmases.

Release Year: 1999

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