Album Of The Day: Advent Christmas by Future Of Forestry

Album Art of Future Of Forestry's Advent Christmas EP - On a dark background, in the top left there's a bit of a golden light, like maybe we're looking through a window that has a light near the top left. To the right, the dark blue sky has an outline of a bare tree trunk with lots of branches. In front of the photo is printed the band name in large yellow and white letters, with glowing yellow streaks above it. Toward the bottom, in small print is the EP title.

Future Of Forestry is mostly the artist name of Eric Owyoung, a songwriter, arranger, and performer. On this EP, he sings 5 traditional Christmas songs with his beautiful baritone voice, with lush instrumentation of guitars, strings, sometimes drums and percussion, and even some horns. (Whoa, the credits says there's a theremin in there somewhere?) Some tracks like "The First Noel" are quiet, but "O Come O Come Emmanuel" and "Little Drummer Boy" are much more rock than the others. Future Of Forestry makes these songs their own by inserting instrumentation and interludes in places while still honoring these classic songs. They've got a bunch of other Christmas EPs and albums too, if you like this one.

Release Year: 2008
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