Album Of The Day: Advent by Wendell Kimbrough

Album Art of Wendell Kimbrough's Advent EP - The majority of the album cover is a light, green-tinted beige. In the center is a small drawing of a night with a person standing on a hill with a staff and a bright star shining out in the night sky. Above the drawing is a hand-written EP title and below the artist name.

In many Christian traditions, Christmas does not start until December 25th, while modern American culture considers the Christmas season to start in November and go up to Christmas. The four weeks leading up to Christmas are called "Advent", a seasons of reflection and longing for the coming of Jesus Christ. In looking for some Advent music today, I found this new EP from Wendell Kimbrough, an artist I'm not that familiar with but I think I need to check out his work more. These songs are beautiful, folk-music-style settings of old psalms and hymns as well as more modern worship songs of longing and praise. This EP is a great way to long for the joys and celebrations of Christmas to come.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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