Album Of The Day: You Are I Am by Darrell Evans

Album Art of Darrell Evans's You Are I Am album - On a bright green background, the title of the album is scribbled in rough, white letters from bottom left to top right. At the top, along a white line, is the artist's name and the 'Vertical Music' label logo in blue and orange with a white and black outline.

Darrell Evans is a Christian musician that became popular making long, sometimes spontaneous modern church music. His musical influences on his studio albums seem to be rockers like Bruce Springsteen and U2, but the lyrics are all about a personal relationship and praise to God. You Are I Am is his first studio album, which repeats some of the songs on his more acoustic live album from the previous year. I like these more rock-focused arrangements and how most of the songs are 5+ minutes long, musically expressing passion and thanks for God. Darrell Evans has continued to put out new music, but I still keep coming back to his 1997 and 1998 albums which are full of now-classic songs that inspired a whole generation of worship leaders in the years after, I imagine.

Release Year: 1998
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