Album Of The Day: Mezzamorphis by delirious?

Album Art of delirious?'s Mezzamorphis album - Hung up on a canvas and surrounded by blue lights and lighting rig are some circles that look something like infrared hands, bodies, faces, lightbulbs, and more. In front of those is a black square with the band name ending in a question mark and then a gray box with a 'd:' in it. Then in yellow below it, the album title in yelllow with orange border. Rigging, power and lighting equipment are visible on the edges of the photo.

I think this is my favorite album from delirious?. When this released in spring 1999, delirious? was pretty new to the USA and was known for their early days doing modern worship, a kind of updated version of church music, but their latest albums turned out to modern rock albums instead. Mezzamorphis found the band putting the music sung to God on hold though still talking about a relationship with God in their lyrics. The band experimented with their sound a lot and added more strings, guitar effects, theremin, and overall Brit-rock styling. At 50 minutes, it's actually their shortest album, which may be partly why it's their most focused album. I love this rock band and although the band did not last forever, I continue to enjoy their music and the memories of seeing them play live a few times over the years.

Release Year: 1999
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