Album Of The Day: I See Things Upside Down by Derek Webb

Album Art of Derek Webb's I See Things Upside Down album - A black and white photo that has, on the right, a profile of Derek Webb's face and the rest of the background is filled with what looks like an out-of-focus sky and clouds. On that background is written in lowercase white print the artist name and the album title, separated by three gold stars.

Singer Derek Webb was one of the original members of Houston-based folk-rock band Caedmon's Call. But in the early 2000s, he left the band and started his own solo career. I See Things Upside Down is his second album and my favorite of his albums. Released on this day 20 years ago, it's much more rock than most of his other albums, which are more acoustic or Americana. This albums an exquisitely-produced folk-rock album with a full band sound and lengthy songs full of beautiful instrumentation. Lyrically, Derek Webb calls the American church on to higher standards and loving our neighbor better while also speaking to our imperfect nature, which are things I've tried to take to heart. More recently, Derek has personally gone to places that don't resonate with me, but I definitely enjoy this album and his earlier works regularly.

Release Year: 2004
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