Album Of The Day: Home by Jami Smith

Album Art of Jami Smith's Home album - Four different photos of a woman playing guitar and singing, from various angles, in a somewhat dark space. Atop those photos, written in hand-written scribbles are the artist's name and the album title, with an outline of a house (a square with an angled roof) next to it in the middle, and the word 'Live' in the top left.

Jami Smith has been one of those lesser-known praise and worship artists for decades. Home is one of her early albums, which was released on Vertical/Integrity Music, a fairly large Christian label, though most of her more recent albums have been more independent. Jami and her band bring lots of passion and energy to this live recording at Oklahoma Baptist University. I like the guitars throughout this recording a lot. The album is produced by David Crowder. Jami Smith's voice is beautiful but has a bit more grit and depth to it than some of the more well-known female worship leaders. Most of the songs are written by Smith, and it's an album I enjoy listening to regularly.

Release Year: 2001
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