Album Of The Day: Contact by The Benjamin Gate

Album Art of The Benjamin Gate's Contact album - On the right, a thick blue cable is coming from the right of the frame to the middle. The cable says 'contact' on it, like it is printed on the cable. In the middle, the cable is wrapped in black tape. On the left, about 20 different smaller cables of blue, yellow, orange and black are splayed out from the tape. The band name and a circular gas mask logo are above the cable in orange on the white background.

This South African rock band was short-lived, but it was a very quick and energetic few albums. This second album, Contact, was not as revolutionary as their first album, but it's still a good set of songs, in my opinion. "Do What You Say" is pure rock, and "The Calling" was a good pop/rock tune for Christian radio. The Men At Work cover "Overkill" fits perfectly on this album and the band makes it their own. I love the guitars on this album and all the fuzzy audio effects. The lead singer, Adrienne Liesching (now known as Adrienne Camp) was an energetic front woman, jumping all over the stage and forcefully singing over the music. It's sad this band did not stick around for a few more albums.

Release Year: 2002
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