Album Of The Day: Brace Yourself For The Mediocre by Roper

Album Art of Roper's Brace Yourself For The Mediocre album - A hand-drawn illustration of three robots dressed as American west outlaws, with belts, badges, and guns as well as cowboy hats. On the top right, the band name is in gold color on a red star, with the album name in white print below it.

Reese Roper is best known as the lead singer of ska/punk band Five Iron Frenzy, but he has also had a few other bands over the years. Only releasing this one album, Roper was a witty pop-punk band. Brace Yourself For the Mediocre was released on this day 20 years ago, so it's a fun occasion to look back on it. Songs like "Hello Lamewads" and "You're With Stupid" champion the underdog and outcast of society. And there's references to Back To The Future and G.I. Joe in a few other songs, as well as a cover of Shania Twain's "You're Still The One". Like some other smaller, independent releases, this one is not available on streaming services, so you may have to get a bit creative or find a used CD to listen to this one. Also, it looks like there are a few other artists/bands that go by the name "Roper", but they are not related to this band and album.

Release Year: 2004

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