Album Of The Day: Practice by Jackie Hill Perry

Album Art of Jackie Hill Perry's Practice EP - A black woman with long braided hair and wearing brown jeans and an orange-brown shirt plus a light green beanie is sitting on a wooden stool. Around here are painted the words 'Practice' and her name many times.

Jackie Hill Perry started doing fast-paced rap with her 2014 album The Art Of Joy. Today, she's back for her first music release since 2018, this new Practice EP. It's a fast-paced barrage of raps, with 8 tracks totaling only 20 minutes. There's some good beats and rhymes, though, and I think I'll have to listen to it a few more times to get all the phrases and references. The theme of "Practice" is throughout and it seems to evoke a sports mindset. It's good to hear from her again, and I hope this means more from Jackie in the future.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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