Album Of The Day: West Coast Diaries, Vol. 2 by Charlie Peacock

Album Art of Charlie Peacock's West Coast Diaries, Vol. 2 album - A painting of a man standing in the middle of a city. He's wearing a cowboy hat, dress pants, a yellow collared shirt and a gold and white spotted tie, and and orangeish-red jacket. He's holding a radio in his right hand has his head bowed, listening. The artist name is printed in small but bold, uppercase print in the top left. The album name is printed in uppercase in the bottom right.

Charlie Peacock has been creating music since the late '70s, I believe. In the '80s, he was bringing his blend of pop, Gospel, jazz and funk to the world, or at least the Christian music market. I love his songs and the fusion of styles. In this album, Charlie Peacock, Jimmy A. and Vince Ebo perform his songs in very stripped back acoustic guitar, piano and vocals only arrangements. Without a band and fancy production, these passionate songs still shine through. And the songs even sound a bit more timeless than the fully-produced '80s studio albums. I'm actually listening to a 2008 Remastered CD released independently by Charlie Peacock, which is not on streaming but is fairly similar to the regular version.

Release Year: 1988
Listen on Apple Music
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