Album Of The Day: Headwaters by Andrew Osenga

Album Art of Andrew Osenga's Headwaters album - A photo of a middle-aged man white man in a black shirt, lime green pants and a lime green beanie, standing in the middle of a stream and surrounded by woods and holding an electric guitar. In large letters overlaid transparently over the picture is the artist name and album name, though the album name almost blends into the bottom of the image.

Andrew Osenga has been playing music for nearly 30 years, first as the lead singer of folk-rock band The Normals and later as one of the songwriters/singers/musicians in Caedmon's Call. Headwaters, released today, is Andrew's latest solo album. Some of the songs like "Living Water" and "Hold On To Me" are certainly rock songs that speak of life's struggles while pointing to hope. But much more of this album is praise songs to God and modern hymns, which is a bit different than some of Andrew Osenga's previous solo releases. The songs are well-written and the musicianship is top-notch. I expect this one will become a regular listen for me.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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