Album Of The Day: Rosemary Hill by Sixpence None The Richer

Album Artwork of Sixpence None The Richer's Rosemary Hill EP - A woman with red hair is crouched, facing away from the camera at a night sky and the intersection of a few roads that go off into the night. On the corer is a fire hydrant, a stop sign with a street sign saying 'Rosemary Hill' on it, and a tree. Down the road and to the woman's hand are swirling lights, like it's some sort of time-lapse. In the night sky, what looks like a hand drawn crescent moon is circled by the band's name in a golden white.

Sixpence None The Richer started making indie rock in 1992. In the late '90s, their romantic single "Kiss Me" gained a good amount of popularity and was played on MTV, the radio, and was featured in some movie soundtracks. Since then, the band has off-and-on been recording new material, though their biggest successes were often cover songs. Personally, I've always enjoyed their original songs, and this past week they released 6 new songs on Rosemary Hill EP. Leigh Nash's entrancing vocals and Matt Slocum's songwriting and music prowess make the band's albums a regular listen to me, and these songs are a great new addition to their decades of music. I hope we continue to hear more from them in the coming years.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify
Buy the EP in high-quality download and/or on vinyl at Bandcamp

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