Album Of The Day: All Together Separate by All Together Separate

Album Artwork of All Together Separate's self-titled album - A black man with dark hair is photographed from above, wearing a black shirt and white under-shirt. He seems to be moving like he's dancing or something and the background seems to be some orange-ish red mix of colors. Over the top, the letters 'ats' are faintly overlaid and the band's name is in black letters near the center with a white glow around them.

My first exposure to this band and this album was the music video of vocalist Dex Alexander giving all of his voice to the song "Paradigm". It's a top-notch song and the music video is so good. He's a great vocalist, and it mixes well with the band's blues and jazz-infused rock. Their sound was fairly unique in Christian rock 25 years ago, and it's a shame they didn't get a few more albums to improve their songwriting. This album is a fun listen still today.

Release Year: 1999
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