Album Of The Day: Deep Magic by John Mark McMillan

Album Artwork of John Mark McMillan's Deep Magic - A picture of four white and purple flowers and some buds on a branch is on a blushin-purple background. Circling around the flower is the album title, 'Deep Magic', in a pinkish color.

John Mark McMillan is another favorite soft rock artist. Though his earlier albums were a bit more guitar-focused, his new albums are more keyboard or electronic/drum focused, but still just as good of a vibe. "Roaring Thunder", "Deliver Me" and "Re-Enchanted World" are the most energetic songs on this album, but other songs such as "Has It Been You" and "Prove My Love" are good groves as well. It's helpful to hear John ruminate on his spirituality and the struggles of life through music and I would love to see him play live again one of these years, but I understand why he rarely makes it to Minnesota, especially with a full band. This is his latest album and it was just released a year ago this week.

Release Year: 2023
Listen on Apple Music
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Download for Free via Bandcamp

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