Album Of The Day: The First Decade: 1983-1993 by Michael W. Smith

Album Art of Michael W. Smith's The First Decade album - A green-hued photo of a smiling white man with brown hair in a collared shirt from the shoulders up. Most of the background behind him is very dark. At the top in a serif font in a lighter color is the artist's name, and the album title at the bottom.

The cassette tape of this album is some of my earliest memories of listening to modern pop music. My parents were too busy raising five kids to listen to much music, so I think I had heard of this Michael W. Smith guy and asked them to buy the tape for me, if I remember correctly. In the previous decade, Michael W. Smith had been busy, putting out 6 studio pop albums, a live album and a Christmas album. This compilation takes the best of the 6 albums, such as "Go West Young Man", "Secret Ambition", "Place In This World" and his ever-popular "Friends", plus two new songs stuck at the start to make sure the fans have a reason to buy it. It's Christian pop at its best and worst: lots of Christian culture clichés like stories about Jesus, talk of abstinence and an end times reference, but also some personal love songs, edgy power pop considered "not Christian enough" by some, and a choral hymn at the end. This was released 31 years ago today, so take a trip back in time if you want the best of '80s Christian pop from a talented musician and songwriter.

Release Year: 1993
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