Album Of The Day: Welcome (Reframed) by The Arcadian Wild

Album Art of The Arcadian Wild's Welcome (Reframed) album - In the middle, a beautiful photo of a large dining room with a large table with a tablecloth, candles, flowers and food in the middle as well as food on plates. About 15 people are sitting on chairs on the side of the table. Around the table lots of people are standing around as well. Above the table is a large chandelier. Beyond the table is a large mantle with a mirror above it and large windows on both sides. The picture is framed by an ornate frame of bronze and wood, and printed on the frame is the band name at the top and the album title 'Welcome' at the bottom with 'Reframed' on a gold plaque affixed to the frame.

Bluegrass is not really the type of music I usually listen to, but some friends highly recommended this band, so I saw The Arcadian Wild play in Minneapolis this spring and I enjoyed the show a lot. All three members play instruments and sing, and the mix of fiddle, mandolin and guitar goes really well with the vocals of Isaac, Lincoln and Bailey. Even though they don't play with a drummer, there's so much energy and rhythm to how they play and they had the crowd hanging on and singing along with every note. Welcome (Reframed) is an expanded version of their 2023 album, Welcome, with 4 new songs and a new song order. New songs like "Welcome" and "Common Courtesy" fit so well with the rest of the album, the original version already feels like the incomplete album. This isn't you traditional bluegrass; it might be more bluegrass with a bit more of a rock edge or something.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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