Album Of The Day: 5PRINT Mixtape by Deepspace5

Album Art of Deepspace5's 5PRINT Mixtape album - In the background, a black and white graphic of a lot of drum, bass, mixing and other recording equipment piled on top of each other. In the foreground is a Deepspace5 logo, which is three red lines with a few cutouts for the holes of a cassette tape. Plus a number 5 in the top right.

Released 15 years ago yesterday, this is maybe not an album either; it's a mixtape. In some places called the The Blueprint 3 Outtakes (Deepspace5 Version), this is now sold on Bandcamp as the 5PRINT Mixtape. Deepspace5 is a underground rap super-group, so here you'll find cool beats and beds and fast-paced raps over the top of the music. This type of underground stuff from labels like Uprok Records about 25 years ago was some of my first exposures to rap/hip-hop music, and I still enjoy this type of underground hip-hop from time to time. I only picked up this release on Bandcamp recently, and I need to listen a few more times to catch half of what was said and break it down, but I love the fast-paced, clever wordplay and the fun beats.

Release Year: 2009
Listen/Buy on Bandcamp

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