Album Of The Day: Fall by Jon Foreman

Album Art of Jon Foreman's Fall EP - On what looks like a brown paper bag given a slightly golden and auburn hue is a black sketch of a bare tree with a shadow of it on the ground to the left.

I'm cheating a bit today—it's not an album. This is the first EP released by Jon Foreman, entitled Fall. This 6-song release definitely feels like fall to me. Maybe it's the acoustic guitar and the harmonica and the idea of a southbound train. At least a few songs on this album take lyrics from lamentations or psalms from scripture and are set to simple, acoustic music by Jon and his musician friends. It's so much fun to hear this lighter (musically) side of Jon Foreman, who is also the primary songwriter and singer for rock band Switchfoot. This is good music for a quiet, contemplative fall evening, and since fall just started a few days ago, it's been on my mind.

Release Year: 2007
Listen on Apple Music
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