Album Of The Day: Fernando Ortega by Fernando Ortega

Album Art of Fernando Ortega's self-titled album - A black-and-white photo of a middle-aged man sitting at a table at a cafe or restaurant looking off into the distance with a coffee cup in front of him. Behind him are more empty tables and chairs. Over the background and to the right of his face is his name in white, lowercase letters with a shadow.

I'd never really listened to the music of Fernando Ortega much. I think I knew that he was most well-known for his versions of hymns. But then in 2004 I came across this album, his self-titled release, and I found that yes, there were a few hymns on the album and they are beautiful, but there's also a lot more. Fernando Ortega's smooth vocals are mixed with country, folk rock, and other styles on this release. Some of the songs lyrically talk about nature ("Dragonfly" and "When The Coyote Comes"), some about daily life ("California Town" and "Mildred Madalyn Johnson"), and some about the days where we struggle ("Shame" and "Noonday Devil"). It's a beautiful album and one I come back to on occasion. I really do need to check out Mr. Ortega's other albums one of these days! (I even have a few other of his albums I recently bought used on CD and I haven't listened to them yet.)

Release Year: 2004
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