Album Of The Day: World Renown For Romance by Denison Marrs

Album Art of Denison Marrs's World Renown For Romance album - For the bottom fifth of the cover, its white with the name of the band and the album name on blue text, centered right. The top half is a dark blue background, with some sort of blocky, geometric design that is white and lighter shades of blue. Maybe some sort of 8-bit icon of a waterfall turned on its side and very badly compressed or something like that?

This is independent rock music at its best, in my opinion. For me, Denison Marrs is all about the walls of guitars and the interesting guitar tones. Actually, no, I love how Eric Collins's vocals sometimes float above the band and sometimes gets drowned out by the band. And wow, some of these lyrics are so catchy. I remember hearing songs like "Let's Dance" and "The New Droan (Light Years Away)" on RadioU back then and I had to buy this album. World Renown For Romance has been released twice on CD by Velvet Blue Music, first in 2001 and then in 2005 with completely different artwork and a bonus track (see 2005 cover below). Play it loud and rock out!

Release Year: 2001
Listen on Apple Music
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Album Art of Denison Marrs's World Renown For Romance 2005 album re-release - A white frame borders the top and bottom and is offset on about a fifth from the right side. The image is a dark image of some very abstract, streaking lights. It's like someone took a photo in a fast-moving car or with a long exposure on a dark night with some lights going by. The band's name and album title are printed towards the top in just a tiny shade lighter than the photo.

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