Album Of The Day: Crimson Cord by Propaganda

Album Art of Propaganda's Crimson Cord album - A mixed media piece, it looks like the lowest layer is maybe a few photos of Jason Petty, the artist known as Propaganada, his face from straight on and from above in black and white. Painted above that is what looks like paint, a white paint base above the photo with black brushstrokes on the left, and red and blue in the bottom right. On top of the white looks like scribbles of thinner pen or marker.

Jason Petty, the rapper known as Propaganda, got his start with the underground LA Tunnel Rats crew about 20 years ago. Since then, he's been making collaborations with other rappers and producers as well as doing spoken word and more recently, podcasting and writing a book. Crimson Cord was recorded with the Beautiful Eulogy crew at the Humble Beast label, and I love their incorporation of very unconventional sounds and instruments into their tracks for Propaganda to rap over. And Prop's lyrics teach me about the world as he sees it and how the world is so much bigger than my white, Christian, Midwestern worldview. I hadn't heard music from Propaganda for many years and then caught back up with him on this album, and it's a great listen.

Release Year: 2014
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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