Album Of The Day: International Anthems For The Human Race by All Star United

Album Art of All Star United's International Anthems For The Human Race album - On a white background, five young men are grouped in the bottom right, making funny faces and only half of them looking at the camera. Above them, the band's name, 'All Star United', is printed in white with a large red border around the letters. In a smaller black font, the album title is printed centered below the band name.

Back in late 1998, I was a teen and new to the world of music, for the most part. So my introduction to glam rock was this release from All Star United. International Anthems For The Human Race is full of big pop/rock energy, from the short intro of "Welcome To Our Big Rock Show", the breezy "Theme From Summer", even to the hidden tracks on the end of the CD. Lead singer Ian Eskelin and his band also poke fun at their audience and themselves, from "Popular Americans" to "Worldwide Socialites Unite". Some of the lyrics also challenge Christian pop culture and American Evangelical norms a bit too, like calling Jesus "my superstar". And there's a few love songs on here too, with guitars, horns and keyboards for a glorious glam rock sound. Sadly, this album is not available on streaming, it seems. You'll have to dig out your CD, apparently. Find a copy of this and have 50 minutes of fun.

Release Year: 1998

Some of the songs from this album appear on this best-of compilation, Smash Hits:
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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