Album Of The Day: A Million Lights by Michael W. Smith

Album Art of Michael W. Smith's A Million Lights album - In a swirl of color, a silhouette of a man is in the center but it's a bit blurry. The swirl of colors seems to also be overlaid with a lot of stars throughout. The words 'A Million Lights' are in white in the center, as well as the artist's name and an 'MW' logo below and above.

In the '80s and '90s, Michael W. Smith was the king of Christian pop music. Smith is a talented musician and songwriter, the production was always great and the songs were always catchy. For the last 25 years or so, though, Michael W. Smith has moved to leading worship and recording modern worship music. Even his pop albums were more worshipful, which was not really what I was looking for. With this album, A Million Lights, Smitty brought his pop sound into the 21st century. Of course, the great piano parts are here, but a bit more of a modern dance/EDM sound is present and even a bit of auto-tune is here on a few songs. Lyrically, there's some love songs and some songs about the struggles and joys of life as a Christian. This is the Michael W. Smith studio pop album that I've listened to most that he's released since 1998's Live The Life, and I hope he does a pop album again some time if he wants.

Release Year: 2018
Listen on Apple Music
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