Album Of The Day: Colour by Andy Hunter°

Album Art of Andy Hunter's Colour album - On a black background is the outline of a human in a rainbow of colors of overlaid lines and dots. On the far left, thin stripes of colors as well. On the top right, Andy Hunter's name, the title Colour, and Andy Hunter's 'ah' logo.

Andy Hunter° is a DJ that spins long, epic dance tracks to bring a party vibe but also a spiritual message. Lyrics are sparse, but the bass and the beats are always there. Some of his more recent work is more "lo-fi" or "chill", but Colour was the last of his album-length, full-on EDM albums on a major label. I like the variation of sounds throughout and songs like "Miracle" really get your subwoofer going. Play this one loud to turn your house or vehicle into one of those dance club scenes in the movies where you can feel the music rumble the building.

Release Year: 2008
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