Album Of The Day: Glo by delirious?

Album Art of delirious?'s Glo album - The ground on the foreground is green and has some foliage and random letters on it, but above them is the five white men of Delirious in brightly colored windbreaker jackets, each person wearing a different color. In the top center is a photo of a neon sign that is shaped into the letters 'glo', and to the right of that is the band name 'delirious?' as well as the track listing of the album.

In the early 1990s, the "Cutting Edge" band started leading worship for youth events at churches. By the late '90s, they had turned into modern rock band delirious?. In the 2000s, they made worship albums with a very mature rock band sound. Their first album of this style was Glo, which starts with a brief choir intro and ends with an orchestral outro, but has lots of rock 'n' roll and spiritual lyrics in the middle. "My Glorious" and "God's Romance" bring the rock, while songs like "What Would I Have Done?" and "Awaken The Dawn" bring the more worshipful sounds, though they have their rock moments too. And "Investigate" rivals their earlier "Obsession" for the most epic delirious? song ever. Delirious? is still my favorite band of all time, and it's because of these types of guitar-fueled anthems and their love of God that keeps them at the top of that list.

Release Year: 2000
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