Apple TV and Hacking

So, apparently the Apple TV should be coming out any moment now. However, some of the other portions of the info at AppleInsider were more interesting to me. Here's the juicy bits:

As AppleInsider exclusively reported back in January, Apple TV will drawn its graphics capabilities from NVIDIA's G72M graphics chipset with 64MB DDR2 video memory -- essentially the firm's GeForce Go 7400 chip.

At the heart of Apple TV device is a 1.0GHz Pentium M-based Intel chip with 2MB of L2 cache (code-named "Crofton"), which will be under-clocked to run on a 350MHz bus. The device will also pack 256MB of non-upgradable 400MHz DDR2 main system memory, a 40GB 2.5-inch PATA hard disk drive, and a 802.11n capable wireless card.

Let me tell you. There definitely will be a whole underground movement of geeky hackers doing amazing stuff with this box. There will definitely be a couple distributions of Linux for the machine. Hopefully they'll even get a version of MythTV running on the box if it has enough power. With that underclocked processor, there'll definitely be whole cooling systems the size of the machine itself to make it into something nice and snappy. Who knows? Maybe someone will even find ways to install Mac OS X and make it the even cheaper Mac Mini.


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