Cake ...PHP, That Is

At work, this week is going to be all about CakePHP. What's CakePHP? For those programmers, it's similar to Ruby on Rails or Django for Python, but it's in PHP. For the less technical, it's also called a web framework for PHP.

So what does it really do for those who don't understand all that mumbo-jumbo? Well, once you get the hang of it, it's an easy way to create websites. All of the form and templating functions are entirely built into the system. I was just following the CakePHP tutorial for making a simple blog. You only need to add a aouple lines of code in the right spot to make a simple create, edit, and delete section. Plus, it uses mod_rewrite to make the page system work very easily and easily editable. It's a lot easier to get a quick handle on than content management frameworks like Drupal or Joomla.

I'll tell y'all how well it went at the end of the week. I think the week after that will be Drupal week, so hopefully I'll give you some tech tips over the next weeks. And I don't want to hear abut how I should be using Django or something - I'll get there one of these days after Emmaus Project is in pre-pre-alpha.


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