
Just a quick post to mention a couple new blogs on my blogroll. They're both great reads.

First up is Justin Walters. He first commented on my blog when I mentioned People of Praise. A couple weeks ago he introduced himself to me. And then a couple days ago, while working on Emmaus Project, I realized that Justin was in the same industry as I. He fooled me with most of his recent posts being over-my-head philosophy and theology stuff.

My lifelong friend Abe Olson apparently has had a blog for a couple weeks and he didn't even tell me! OK, so I guess I should follow my Technorati a bit more studiously. Abe's got some great insights into technology as well as all the fascinating stuff he has been studying in school. He's come a long way from the FFTV Times.

Just a reminder to the avid reader that this is not the only place that I blog (if I ever actually decide to write something). I have a couple posts rolling around in my head for my Blog such as a bit about the new delirious? DVD, a documentary I watched this past weekend, and a Red Bull exhibit. So get that page on your Google Reader too.



Thanks for the mention, Dan. This past year has been an explosion of awareness for me that I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who share my geeky affinities! How exciting! :)

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