People Talkin' Like It's The End of Time

Here I am with three signs the world is coming to an end:

It's a crazy world.



Woah Kanye...
another sign of the end: No more "stop-motion" films. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out What do ya think dan?

and, why is Krispy Kreme closing in the Mall? The donut making display was awesome!

Krispy Kreme is closed becaue their stock is low, the Mall store is expensive and big, and nobody goes there anymore. Apparently Americans think fat is bad or something. And that doesn't make any sense, because FAT is a part of the American Dream. ;-)

Krispy Kreme is closing its doors here in Houston in March, all 5 stores. Not that I'm upset. Their donuts always make me sick, so I don't do that no more. Shipley's all the way while I'm in Houston!

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