This Is For All The Lonely People

Yeah, I'm listening to "that cover" on the last Jars studio album. (No, not the hymns album, the other last album.) I never really liked the song, but I guess it fits pretty well with the rest of the Jars album, which is stellar.

Yesterday I went shopping despite the fact that I'm spending most of tomorrow with my family shopping also. Well, I wouldn't have gotten 10% off at Kohl's if I went pants shopping tomorrow, so I went yesterday while the coupon was still good. It was generally pretty busy out there, and I was surprised to see they've completely taken down the old Mervyn's section of Rosedale and are putting in a huge expansion which I'm told is to be mostly movie theater. (Sure, why not, the whole world needs more cinemas. Oh wait, no, we just need good movies.)

I have a conundrum for ya. How does one spend $7.49 in cash at Best Buy and get four CDs and three DVDs? And how does spending $7.49 in cash an hour later just give me a burrito and pop at Chipotle? Well, the simple answer is that at Best Buy I used a gift card from work. Yep, thanks to end-of-year bonuses and a great job, I got to go on the shopping spree and get some of those presents I wish I would have gotten for Christmas but didn't.

Plus, I got to explore some new music. Besides picking up a catalog U2 album and the latest EP from Relient K, I purchased discs from Matisyahu, the Hasidic reggae sensation, and Holly Williams, daughter of Hank Williams, Jr. Both are good albums and I've heard a couple songs from each, but it was fun to have a bit of extra money to just splurge on some new music. I'm sure they're both gonna be great.


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