I'm Not Backin' Down

delirious? is my all-time favorite band. For years, they've been breaking ground as a Christian band with a reach into the non-Christian world. It's cool and I still totally respect them even though their last couple albums haven't been as stellar. (Well, that may be because I haven't seen a live show from them in almost four years.)

One man that made it happen was their manager, Tony Potato. It was recently announced that Potato was leaving, and now we know why. In the official unofficial delirious? site's interview with Tony, it is revealed that he's starting a label at EMI for Christian bands that are to be marketed to the mainstream. Apparently they're reusing Charlie Peacock's earlier label name, Re:Think, probably because they've been releasing Switchfoot's albums under that moniker for years.

If anyone can do it, it probably is Tony. So I hope he can make it happen. Maybe we'll have to get a good interview with them at GMA.



Tony Potato. What a name.

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