So Be Afraid, For He Is Coming

"OK, music man, so what's the latest big thing in music today?"

Don't worry, I have your answer. If you're a podcaster, don't worry, they're not on the big labels ...yet.

The band used to be the independent sensation called The Rock 'n' Roll Worship Circus. And they were amazing in their own right, flourishing in the world of independent rock music. They traveled all over the world of rock 'n' roll, from Radiohead to The Beatles, all in one album. Plus, it was some of the best worship music around, and I'm sure it got some youngsters into worship that were looking for a professional rock sound that they weren't getting from their church band. They were on a mainstream label for a couple years, but it seemed that it was not meant to be.

But with their new disc, which released independently last week, is of an entirely new genre. It's 100% experimental Brit-rock, reminding the listener of Radiohead or Pink Floyd. And although the music is still God-centered, it's not about the worship anymore, it's about hearing the Word proclaimed. The band is now officially called The Listening, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the album. The question is: How long will it take for a label to scoop it up? Or are they going to stay independent? (Oh yeah, check 'em out on Myspace too.)


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