Little Drops of Water, Little Grains of Sand

This post is all about L.A. Last night I've watched Crash, and it got me thinking about what I know about the City of Angels. Of course, most of what I know is from movies, fom last night's movie to Collateral and many other crappier movies like Pretty Woman and A Cinderella Story. So it's a very Hollywood view.

I guess the biggest thing is that SoCal folks just wait in traffic too much. Apparently half of life takes place on the freeway. And that's not cool. I wonder if there's much of a public transportation system, because the movies don't talk about anything but taxis.

Secondly, besides that one house up on the hill where John Reuben shot the press photos for Hindsight, it's al flat. And there's no cool trees or nothin - it looks almost as inviting as Nebraska.

The biggest one is that everybody seems to be a self-conceited jerk. Now I know where Tom Cruise gets his attitude from. Life in L.A. seems to be all about how life sucks. And, well, that's not something I can really identify with.

So what did I think of the movie half my friends claimed was the best movie of the year? Frankly, I thought Crash sucked. The music was just high-pitched whining. It was supposed to feel like real life, but when the same five characters get in more problems that all the summer's action movies combined, you know it's not real life. It's just the most pessimistic view of real life that anyone could make up. Plus, it had more characters and plot twists than Mission: Impossible and it was pretty darn hard to figure out what was going on.

If you want to make a movie about L.A., I'd reccomend just doing a highly stylized version of L.A., something like Pulp Fiction. At least that wasn't completely depressing.

In other movie news, check out new trailers for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and Underworld: Evolution. That movie was a bit weird, but I liked it. The sad part is that Kevin Grevioux, who came up with the first movie and is a Christian, isn't listed on IMDB for the new one. I hope he's still involved and it just doesn't become a mindless action movie.


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