Doin' The RSS

I've been enjoying using RSS to keep up with the news and all my friends. For the uninitiated, this is a way to gather all the things you want to keep track of into one place. For the past six months I've been using Sage, a very simple reader for FireFox. It's really easy to use and discovers feeds well.

However, there's a new reader on the horizon. Google just released their beta of Google Reader, which is nice because it's not a plug-in on my desktop, but it's a page I can access from anywhere on the web. It uses your Google/Gmail account and you can import all the feeds you'd like. So far, the program (which is of course in Beta stage, like everything else at Google) is pretty good, and I'm sure it'll get even better as time goes on.

So, if you like RSS, try out the Google Reader. You might like it.


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