Last Day of 1888

OK, so it's not 1888, the title refers to a song by Kids In The Way.

But today is my last day of work, and right now I'm in the middle of it. Actually, the phones have been decently quiet today, so it's not too hectic. I just wish they didn't have everything so locked down - if their systems were more accomodating, I could work on websites while I'm here.

Of course, there'll be none of that at my new, really cool job. I start there on Thursday. I'll be developing websites full-time, and I can't wait to expand my skills in that on a minute-by-minute basis. It's going to be hard work, but it's going to be an exciting learning experience.

And, holy crap, I probably am also moving this weekend! How am I gonna fit it all in?!



Dan da Man- you can do it! I just did it this past weekend when I started college at St. Mary's at Notre Dame. It's a grand little place! And I can't wait to hear about your new job from da Blog, along with the rest of the world! :)

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